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A little about me;


My name is Vasiliky.

I've made it my life purpose to bring joy and awareness to help guide people through their pain by bringing out their unique creative flare and connecting with like minded beings to experience and share each aspect of life at the Creative event I designed called Whatever Together as I build a strong foundation for Escape from Reality! Everything I do in my life and share with others all has the same ideals; helping us all connect to the source of who we are, illuminating our gifts, shedding light into the dark spaces of our lives, sharing who we are, supporting each other as we hold space for one another to just be and live our most fulfilling lives. I am so happy to cross paths with you and hope we get the pleasure to meet in person at the next event!
Let's stay connected on Facebook and keep updated.


We all have our own challenges from the cards we have been dealt with, we all do the best with what we have and in turn this helps us relate to each others struggles and happiness to connect on deeper levels. At the end of the day, we are all people and we all long for unconditional love, connection, respect and support; after all, we are all human ;)


 I'm bubbly and fun to be around but also can channel my energies to focus on teaching and learning new things as we are simultaneously the teacher and the student. Just like you, I started off shy and awkward and I'll tell you a secret - I sometimes still can be! I love connecting with new people however so this drives me to come out of my shell and connect in new, enjoyable ways. We may at first be shy and a little in our shell but by the end of the day, we end up smiling and laughing with each other feeling less lonely and more connected than ever.


I believe every single person that is born on this planet is beautiful, special and unique in their own way and has a lot to contribute to the world via their individual gifts to continue in uplifting humanity. I would love the opportunity to greet and share special moments with as many people on this planet near and far, whether it is be for a brief moment, a reason, a season or a life time. I enjoy and always am open to learning different ways on bringing more light, joy and gentle integrations into my life and others I cross paths with.


I enjoy connecting through different activities from art, play and entertainment with people of all ages who generally are Young at Heart. There is always something interesting and colourful to create and it's even more fun sharing the experience together! I enjoy expressing myself, sharing in the laughter and joy with each other as we celebrate our lives together! Part of my inspiration for creating Escape from Reality was seeing a gap in the Entertainment and Therapeutic Market, so I came up with new themes based on authenticity and originality, designing how to best integrate these important aspects throughout our lives while having a lot of fun doing so! ;)


I have created a basic structure for Whatever Together, based off the routine in my second book 'Mind Body Spirit Release' that I follow for each event, which of course varies slightly with each one I host as everyone who joins in has their own unique flare. I have a high set of standards for myself that I strive to live up to each day and so, everything I do follows those same standards. My business and creative events are no different. I enjoy incorporating working and playing together as it is most effective and enhances our lives! I At the end of the day, we all have the same human needs; to be Heard, Seen, Felt, Acknowledge and Understood. All that matters is that we are honest with ourselves and each other, live with discernment and do the best we can in every situation. When we live consciously and with awareness we lead the way, creating greater opportunities for us all as we give ourselves and our children a brighter future for the greater good of humanity.

When we all make time to be respectful and loving to ourselves and each other it creates many opportunities for fun and great expansion! No matter what beliefs we have been brought up with, at the end of the day we have our core values in common. Let us be good, love and respect ourselves and each other while we contribute in whatever way we can to help uplift humanity!


Escape from Reality;


Alchemy from the Heart;


Thank you, for visiting this website and for reading this far
Your patience and support are valued!

Thank you so much for liking and supporting these endeavours. 

I look forward to crossing paths with you and assisting in making your dreams come true!!

If you would like to find out more please feel free to contact me and I would be more than happy to address any questions or queries you have.



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