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Products and Services

​​A brief description on the products and services offered. There is a wide range of variety included. Please feel free to choose that which suits your needs you feel drawn to in the moment! =)

Energy Clearing & Balancing Life


I have been blessed in life with what I like to call gifts to help me fullfill my life purpose and help others with theirs. I endevour to create a way that I may use all my gifts, to help everyone materialise their dreams into reality and continue to make the world a better place. I help find out what each person aims to achieve, then tailor the session to their needs, wants, and be the vessel accessing the highest good for all.


Gifts (In person, in groups, via Skype/net)

- Chanelling

- Raise conscious awareness

- Helping others connect with their intuition and clearing doubt, fears and insecurities 

- Helping others find inner peace

- Helping others connect and be one with the universe.

- Channelling: Being a vessel for those who seek messages from the universe/listening to their higher self/guides and/or guardian spirits

- Tarot/Fortune Telling

- Dissolving patterns that no longer serve includes generational patterns

- Reconnecting Mind Body Spirit Connection (physical ailments and emotional connected to spiritual)

- Colour psychology

- Animal totems

- Meditation 

- Mediumship - Communicating with crossed over loved ones

- Crystal healing

- Reiki

- Relationship/life advice

- Workshops

Group meditation; saying general meditation using different locations for different outcomes e.g forest (connecting with the environment and inner peace), ocean (calming, clearing mind and thoughts and going with the flow), cliff face (facing fears and challenges)


​The art of energetic clearing is through the practice of clearing the body mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually as humans tend to benefit greatly from pure love and connection from source. In order to live our dreams we must be willing to face our deepest hopes and fears. Let go of any pain, tension and inhibitions as you are guided safely on your journey, through creating a relaxing atmosphere and a safe place to discover your true authentic self, feeling at peace with yourself and the universe.

Soul Reading Sessions


The information received by these cards combined are read and interpreted with the guidance of intuition and spirit as well as my own wisdom and knowledge in order to gather in-depth guidance to help others on their journey. This will illuminate what has been blocking you from the past, what is happening in the present and what is to come in the future. Sometimes, cards are drawn about the future and therefore won’t make much sense until a later date. However, it is important to broaden your mind, your heart and your soul in order to allow space for new opportunities and experiences to continue.


Some aspects of life to choose from are;


Life purpose

Family and Home

Relationships - Love, Friendship, Work

Inner Child
Abundance Clearing - Facing and Conquering Fear via Abundance blocks
Healing Past Trauma - Post Traumatic Growth
Shadow Work
Colour your Life


These cards are helpful in helping people to get in tune with their inner selves, their inner truth, their purpose in life and finding the solutions to their problems by following and interpreting the signs. Signs come in many forms including; thoughts, dreams, intuition, visions, knowing, as well as the messages which come to them via different vessels to each other on our journey through life and enlightenment. You hold the key to unlocking your doors, if only you choose to accept it.

Where will your journey take you? ;)

Events & Markets!


Face & Body painting - not only a way to decorate your skin but also an expression of your soul! Unlike most artists and face painters I use my subconscious mind to bring out parts of who you are through an arrange of colours or just using a few of your favourite ones. I'm just as surprised and amazed as the client when the creation is done.

Come check out our Nurture Station at Special Events and treat yourself to some pure goodness while you play and adventure throughout your day! Anything from back scritches, hair brushing, massages, story telling, fortune telling and so much more!

Catch me at market places reading the Dreamer Tarot Deck and start materialising your dreams into your reality!


Ghandi once said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world"

And so, I will lead by example bringing laughter love and colour into everyones lives I cross paths with. When we embrace love, we attract love in abundance.
Let's uplift humanity together!

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